DMHSIM Band Boosters

Desert Mountain High School (DMHS) Band Boosters is a 501(c)3 organization that supplements all DMHS music ensembles (Concert Band, Orchestra, Marching Band, Guard, and Jazz Band) with year-round financial and volunteer support. It’s structured and managed by dedicated parent volunteers who serve on a board of directors and act as volunteer coordinators.

2024-25 Board of Directors
President - Jodie Nachtrab, Sophomore parent
Vice President - Lin Dorsey, Senior parent
Secretary - Jenn Collins, Junior parent
Treasurer - Dara Marsello, Senior parent
Member At Large/Communications - Christine Mann, Junior parent


Committee Leads

2024-25 Volunteer Coordinators
Hospitality -
Open Position
Marching Band Pit -
Scott Miles
Marching Band Uniforms - Melissa Greenlee
Tuxedos & Dresses - Kim Wyszynski
Fundraising - Open
Newsletter & Social Media/Web - Christine Mann
Photography - 1 OPEN POSITION & Lin Dorsey
Videographer - 1 OPEN POSITION - Contact Jodie Nachtrab
Orchestra Representative - Open